Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How to Care for an English Bulldog

Owning a dog involves responsibility and patience. The English bulldogs are a very popular breed among pet lovers as they are quiet and lazy. Well, they actually snore a lot, but by quiet I mean they won't drive you nuts with the running around or barking or destroying the furniture. Plus, they're extremely cute.

But one thing that future owners do not know is that the English bulldog is probably the breed that requires the closest and most difficult maintenance. At the origins the bulldog didn't look like it does today. It was more supple and lighter with a more elongated nose, resembling today's Boxer breed. But somewhere along the line it was mixed with the pug. I still don't understand why, even though he does look funnier and it's cuter, but it's a pain both for the owner and the dog. It lost its form and now it looks like a sack of wheat. It is probably the only dog that cannot curl. It is simply impossible to its current anatomy. It also cannot scratch itself, which should be extremely annoying to it, as you no doubt imagine.

But the worst part is that most of them have inherited a ton of allergies, allergies so weird that almost none of them were identified. By that I mean they cannot be cured. You have to fire any sort of medication away until something works. But it's not ideal to keep any animal on medication for a long time as it affects its organs. So it needs special food, and special diet, which is pretty expensive as well. Also, it needs to be cleaned daily on the face and between the paws as the common bulldog's anatomy doesn't allow some parts of its skin to breathe. If you don't disinfect those daily there are chances of irritation that can lead to wounds that need to be operated and usually skin gets cut away, just like plastic surgery.

Also, being a lazy animal, it needs a lot of care as far as training goes. You need to find out what makes it click, and it's not a lot, and use it to the max to bring out some exercise from it, otherwise the dog will put layers over layers of fat. That affects its heart, the main reason why it is say the average life span of the English bulldog to be about six years.

Oana is a member of Lacartes.com - an online community where people can meet new people and stay connected to friends, families and share photos, updates, reviews and more.Owning a dog involves responsibility and patience. In some cases this means taking care of your dog as much as you'd take care of your own offspring. Such is the case with the English bulldog, a special breed requesting a special kind of care. This article can only be reproduced in its entirety when the link to lacartes.com is live at all times.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oana_Coroian

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8318108

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