Maico is giant Poodle - he was 85 pounds in his prime - now he
is 70 pounds.
Today he is 12 years old, has cataracts, arthritis in his hind
quarters, watery tumors, is nearly deaf and is having
occasional bowel "accidents." What has happened after 3 weeks
of ingesting oil made from Cannabis or hemp or weed or pot?
Find out...
Look, we are very conservative people. We have been taught for
decades about the evils of weed. However, when a loved one
with four legs is in trouble things change in a hurry - we are
not rich - we would not spend thousands to save a dog (as sad
as that is).
What changed our minds about medical weed? (FYI - "Marijuana
is a derogatory term meaning "one who smokes too much" and
should not be used. Hemp is Hemp - the commercial plant
contains less than 1% THC while the current "get high weed"
has been cross bred to contain 16% or more THC).
Medical weed is promoted for its' ability to kill pain from
cancer or anything and it does that. However, there appears to
be AMAZING healing attributes that have been largely ignored.
So, what about Maico (our giant Poodle - a very large Standard
Well, after 3 weeks of ingesting a small amount of oil made
from Cannabis at bed time, Maico is regaining strength in his
hind quarters. He had gotten to the point where I would have
to lift him (70 pounds) up on our bed. He still believes he
cannot get up on his own, but if I simply hold my hands
lightly on his hind quarters - up he goes. This morning during
his walk he ran a bit and kicked up his hind paws!
His hearing has improved from hearing almost nothing to being
able to tell the direction from where the sound is coming -
and the "sound" is my voice below the level of a shout.
His cataracts are bad - one eye is worse than the other. Just
3 weeks later, his better eye is visibly changed - yes, we
believe the cataract is thinning. He can once again catch
treats. The other eye is probably getting better but we can't
visually see the change in that eye as of yet.
His big tumor (outside of his rib cage) seems to be shrinking
a bit.
We have had zero "accidents" in the last 2 weeks.
He sleeps like a rock and wakes up alert, hungry and
interested in what is going on around him. His general spirit
is improved.
What will happen from here?
We are going to increase the amount of Cannabis Oil we are
giving him - and we will experiment with giving it to him
during the day. What will it do? Who knows! All we know is
that this dog is as dear to us as our children - and we will
miss him so much if he dies or if we have to put him down...
we are ready to be bold in our treatment.
How are we doing this legally?
My wife has a condition that is helped by the oil. We obtain
it legally under California Medical Marijuana law (MML). This
required a visit to a Physician (although in California a
Naturopathic Doctor can prescribe MM to a human).
The cost is relatively low. There is no recorded death of a
human from hemp - it does not affect the respiratory system.
We give Maico the oil by placing a small amount on a small
piece of cracker. I insert the cracker into a piece of hotdog.
I open his jaw and place it toward the back of his mouth.
What information made us think this oil would help our dog
Rick Simpson is a Canadian layman who has had great results by
making Rick Simpson Oil... Rick has given the oil to over
5,000 people with some remarkable results. If you go to You
Tube and put "Rick Simpson Tribute" into the search window the
tribute video will come up. It is long but it is worth your
time - it may help your pet. Humans who use the oil (which
more like grease) start off with a dab the size of half a
grain of short grain rice. We started Maico on half that.
The best policy is to start out with very little - especially
with small animals.
We all want our pets to have long healthy lives and peaceful
ends. Watching the tribute video about Rick Simpson will give
you enough information to make a decision for your pet.
Official Research into the real benefits of Hemp or Cannabis
is just starting to wind up. Desperate situations call for
bold action. Only you can decide if it is right for your pet.
You can visit my website by clicking here: My phone number is there as well
as my email. You are welcome to contact me to see how Maico is
doing. I have ZERO commercial (money) motivation in this! Just
call or email me from my website:
Thanks - Scott Linden
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