Over the last 10-15 years, puppy mills have drawn the
attention of pet lovers throughout the United States,
especially in communities where pet advocates have become more
vocal in their support for ethical treatment of animals- PETA.
What's been discovered is the horrendous conditions that many
sought- after dog breed-s are concerned- Maltese, Poodles,
Labrador Retrievers, Yorkshire Terriers, etc...
In many communities, rescue groups are plentiful- their
mission is to rescue certain breeds, and or rescue any and all
dogs that are turned into the pound, or found in houses that
are overrun with mistreated, malnourished, and inhumanely
treated animals, mostly dogs.
These rescue groups come in, take them to their own shelters,
and either distribute them to volunteer fosters, and
veterinary clinics, where the dogs are treated, cared for,
given surgeries and other types of care, fed, and shown the
love that these pets so rightly deserve. The second step on
their journey is a foster home. They begin with evaluating
their temperament, such as how they get along with other pets.
They determine if they are a playful dog or a cuddly lap dog.
If they observe any behavior problems they begin with the
positive training of the pets.
These rescue groups hold fundraisers to cover the costs it
takes to perform all these services. They seek contributions
online, and from philanthropic and generous donors.
Many rescue groups hold pet adoption days at parks, dog shows,
grocery stores, car dealerships, pet stores, etc... Here you
can go pick out the puppy or dog you'd love to take home and
make it part of the family. A potential adopter must fill out
an application, and receive a home visit before making this
dog or cat part of the family. Adopting one of these furry
friends isn't free in most cases. Depending on the breed and
cost to nurse this pet back to health, it can cost anywhere
from $25 to $700, depending on the situation.
But what's so attractive about the pet rescue is that these
pets are treated by the foster/pet rescue organization, like
one of their children, and given the love and care so that
families and animal lovers can enjoy years of companionship.
Rescue groups are not for profit, and make no money, and in
many instances, the food and care is donated by countless care
givers whose sole purpose is to give back to the pet
We are helping in the areas of pet rescue mission by being the
distributor for a wonderful line of pet and household cleaning
products. Please check out our website: PetOdorEliminator
The Rescue Groups through donations and a small group of
volunteers save thousands of lives each year... BUT WE NEED
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Kirk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8479723
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