Thursday, 8 May 2014

Sigh Of Relief

Today I got to breathe a big sigh of relief. I have the little

feral kittens that were born in my car port. Now they're

running around and playing and growing like little weeds.

They're not yet weaned and they're still shaky and not very


This morning I realized they were playing under my car as it

was parked. I kept trying to run them off from under the car.

I would bang on the sides, honk the horn, drop the hood, etc..

When it was time for me to go, I didn't see any scrambling

out. I started the car, backed out of the car port and was

going very slowly up the driveway. I had driven about 50 feet

and I looked in the rear view and saw a little blob of black.

I stopped and ran back there, realizing that a kitten had

fallen, or jumped, from under the car. It was fine and hissing

and spitting and clawing the air at me. I picked it up and ran

back with it to Momma Kitty and the other sibling. They ran to

each other. That was my first sigh of relief.

I did the whole banging on the car, honking the horn, opening

and dropping the hood thing... hoping that if the 3rd kitten

was in my car it would come out then. Nothing happened. So I

gingerly started down the road again. I was going very slowly

and watching my rear view carefully! I got all the way down my

road and was turning on the short road that heads to the main

road which is very busy. I thought to myself that the 3rd one

must not be under my car. As I was pulling up to the

intersection of the main road, I looked in my rear view and

saw yet another lump of black back a ways on the street. I

whipped around on the median and flew down the other way. I

threw open my door, sprinted across the median and got to the

3rd kitten. It was wet and shaking and not moving. I could

tell it was VERY afraid. I picked it up and said "I'm going to

get you back home.". I ran back to my car and jumped in. For

those of you who know me, you know I always put on my seat

belt. I didn't even put it on. I just drove and held the baby

and talked to it. It was clinging to my hand with all 4 paws

and shaking.

We got back to my house and the Momma cat was walking the

other 2 to where they hide and sleep. The Momma and another

adult cat were looking around for the 3rd one. I jumped out

and ran the baby over to the Momma. She took off and hid

behind a fence. I put the baby down. It sat there for a while

and then slowly started creeping to the other 2 kitties.

When I got back from my appointment, I went up to their hiding

spot and they were all piled up on each other sleeping. I

breathed yet another sigh of relief. I hope they learned their

lesson and stay out of my car now! I feel like a Kitty


My final sigh of relief is that my family and our properties

made it through the storms that rolled through the South this

week. We are truly blessed in so many ways.

My name is Elizabeth Glass. I enjoy sharing my life

experiences, my spiritual experiences and just writing in

general. I have been writing, professionally in some aspects,

for over 20 years. I would love feedback and to meet some

other writers and readers! You can find me at my home page.

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