Saturday, 14 June 2014

Duck Diseases - 20 Preventions and Controls Tips When Caring For Ducks

Ducks are most resistant to diseases than chicken and other fowls. Losses from various causes can be minimized through proper management, adequate appropriate feeding and housing, strict sanitary practices, and effective prevention medication and vaccination program. However, even with all precautionary measures, substantial losses are incurred in duck farming operation due to various causes. Duck diseases are those caused by pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites while noninfectious types are due to chemical poisons, toxins, inferior feed or ration and environmental factors.

Here are some useful tips preventing duck diseases:

1) Secure constructed buildings so that dogs, cats, rats and other possible disease cannot enter

2) Raise only healthy stocks. Sick birds should be culled immediately and disposed of properly to avoid spread of infection

3) Burn or bury dead ducks as soon as possible to avoid flies from breeding on the decomposing matter. This will also prevent infected maggots from being eaten by ducks

4) Feed ducks with balanced rations. Ducks fed with unbalanced ration are prone to diseases

5) Vaccinate ducklings against duck cholera with polyvalent bacterin if available. Give antibiotic-vitamin-mineral supplement to suppress build-up of bacterial infection and improve the ducks' health condition

6) Provide cool, fresh and clean drinking water at all times. Clean waterers at least once a day. Highly polluted water is detrimental to the ducks' health and can affect overall performance

7) Avoid giving decomposed food such as snail, shrimps, fish and meat which may contain virulent microorganisms or their toxins

8) Provide clean and dry feeders at all times. Wet feeders are prone to the growth of yeasts, harmful bacteria and harmful molds which are sources of mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, ocratoxin and related toxins. Since ducks are highly susceptible to aflatoxicosis, the above activity should be strictly followed

9) Keep ducks of the same age in the same pen and provide them with the same medication

10) Purchase stock from reliable sources or hatcheries

11) Keep the farm and its surroundings clean. Ducks should be provided with clean and dry litter and well drained areas

12) Provide well ventilated with dry flooring or litter. Do not overstock the animals in the pen

13) Minimize activities that can cause stress to the ducks and thus lower its production

14) Prohibit delivery trucks and visitors from entering the production areas as disease organisms are often introduced into the farm by these delivery vehicles and/or visitors

15) Install footpath in strategic locations to prevent entry of infective agents into the farm

16) Spray the animals with insecticides at least once a year to control lice and mites, beetles and other arthropods that can cause annoyance to the ducks

17) Make sure that palays are free from insecticides which can cause adverse effects on the health and production of the ducks

18) Maintain good production and health records

19) Supervise closely the overall duck farm operation

20) Avoid mixing new stock to the flock. Quarantine newly arrived ducks for at least two weeks. Outbreak of disease may occur through introduction of sick or carrier ducks

If you would like to learn more tips about how to keep ducks and preventions of duck diseases, please visit:

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