Saturday, 14 June 2014

Duck Farming Guide - 5 Important Steps to Make Raising Ducks an Enjoyable Endeavour

Duck farming is one of the most thriving livelihoods there is because of rewards that can be reaped from raising them. Ducks are usually reared for business purposes because the products that can be derived can be sold off in the market. Ducks are also often a favorite in many farms because they eat parasites that would have otherwise attacked crops and other livestock. Raising ducks can be an enjoyable endeavor and before beginning, you should consult a duck farming guide first to help you with the tasks at hand.

Tip #1:
The first thing you need to do is to extensively research on everything about raising ducks. You should be able to find out on what conditions they thrive, how they are fed, what kind of shelter they should have and what diseases may befall them. Books, the internet and other farmers can be great sources of information.

Tip #2:
You should also be able to first determine why you want to raise ducks. Is it for business or purely ornamental reasons? This step is important because it will help you determine what kind of breed to raise.

Tip #3:
Information on the different duck breeds can be found on any duck farming guide available. For example, if it's the egg-laying capability you are after, then the Khaki Campbell Duck would be the wisest choice.

Tip #4:
Next, you should ensure that you have all equipment needed as per the duck farming guide. Duckling brooders are especially important for ducklings because it provides just the right conditions to suit their needs. Shelter for ducks should also be at par with the standards necessary for their growth and survival. The shelter must be resilient and large enough to allow them room to move a little bit. Most importantly, it should be able to protect them from harsh conditions like heat and rain. The shelters should ideally be near a pool or pond as well so the ducks can have somewhere to swim and exercise.

Tip #5:
Mating is one of the most sensitive tasks as described in any duck farming guide. Drakes, which are male ducks, should be kept separate from the female and allow them interaction only when you wish to mate them. One drake can be mated to about six to ten female ducks when they are about four to five months old. The length of time it takes for them to lay eggs varies depending on their breed. For example, Muscovy ducks lay eggs when they are about six to seven months old.

Although ducks may be somewhat resistant to diseases, they can be carriers to some of them which can then be spread to other animals. This is why in the duck farming guide, it is recommended they be reared and kept at a distance. Diseases that ducks contract can be of two types: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic organisms like bacteria and viruses, while the non-infectious ones are usually a result of poisons or inadequate care and management. If you would like to learn more about raising ducks correctly, please visit:

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