Saturday, 14 June 2014

Duck Stuffed Animals

In the Dr. Seuss Beginner Book, "I Wish that I had Duck Feet," a young boy wishes he had feet like a duck so he can have all the advantages a duck has; he could splash around (like a duck), he wouldn't have to wear shoes anymore, and he could swim and play (like a duck). He soon discovers, however, that his mother is not a fan of his duck feet as he tracks water through the house and leaves her with a mess to clean up. The boy goes on to wish for other things instead.

Who wouldn't want to be able to swim like a a duck anyway? Their webbed feet are just one of many things that makes them such an interesting species. Baby ducks are particularly adorable which not surprisingly, make duck stuffed animals very popular with young children. Duck stuffed animals are comparative in size to the real thing which makes them easy for a small child to hold and hug. Unlike some plush toys on the market, duck stuffed animals are cute and cuddly - they are in no way a toy that will frighten a child.

Like with some plush toys modeled after real animals, a duck stuffed animal is a terrific way to teach children about the species. That way, when they actually are fortunate enough to see the real thing, they will have developed a certain appreciation for it.

Children are likely unaware of a few key facts about ducks, in particular that their feathers are water-proof. Any child would find that quite fascinating given ducks spend most of their time in water. Another interesting and lesser known fact, is that duck eggs are affected by daylight. Ducks will lay more eggs the more daylight there is. In the winter months, with shorter days, some ducks will stop producing eggs altogether.

When purchasing a plush duck, you can come as close or as far away to finding one that looks like the real thing. For example, if its pure entertainment value you're looking for, some duck stuffed animals come with clothes on, including jackets, hats, and boots. In addition, dressed-up baby ducks are also very popular given their cute factor. Plush baby ducks make children instantly want to hug them - after all, they are not only soft and cuddly, but they may remind them of a real baby. Consequently, a child may feel like they have to take extra special care of baby duck stuffed animals.

Other types of plush ducks are those that have been made to replicate the most famous cartoon duck on the planet: Daffy. Daffy Duck is easily recognizable because of his black body, large orange bill (duck mouth), orange legs and feet, and his unique way of speaking. He has appeared in numerous films and television shows and children love him in part because of all the trouble he gets into.

Ultimately, when purchasing duck stuffed animals, you can stick to traditional replicas, or go with the make-believe and cartoon-type plush toys. Either way, your child will be thrilled when they get to cozy up to another cuddly 'pet'.

Angeline Hope is a collector of duck stuffed animals. You can view a huge selection of quality duck stuffed animals at MyBigPlush.

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