Saturday, 14 June 2014

How to Be a Good Duck Hunter

A good duck hunter knows, or rather, understands the duck. Only then can he manipulate the duck to capture it. You see, ducks have excellent color vision, contrary to the popular idea that they are color blind. They can also survey a wide visual area at one glance. This is due to the wide set eyes on either side of the head that allows the duck to detect predators. The area best to blind to a duck will probably be the region just behind its head. It is not easy to hunt a duck, as its morphology is suited to supreme vision and its natural learning capacity to work against hunters and other predators. Hence understanding a duck and its features helps the hunter take better decisions in duck hunting.

Choosing the perfect hunting location is as important as knowing the duck. The perfect location ensures a good flock size and also a successful hunt. The perfect locations are those that offer food, water, and seclusion to the ducks. The area should be calm and relaxing, assuring the ducks of a safe place to rest. Finding such an area would be a real treat for any duck hunter.

Ducks love swimming, and potential bodies of water you may find them in are drainage ditches, reservoirs, ponds, marshes, creeks, flooded plains or regions of high waterfall etc. A good idea is to ask locals of the different areas frequented by ducks. It is advised to search for new and unique locations that ducks frequent. This location might not be the same as the last season, and may require a bit of intensive research on foot. Aerials images can also be relied upon for identifying water bodies. Adventurous hunters can use a GPS system to locate water bodies.

It is also necessary to understand the flight pattern timings, flock size, and feeding of the ducks. Flight patterns include the exact location of migration, and also other locations where a few ducks decide to inhabit for a few days. Weather also plays a major role on the success of a hunt. An intelligent hunter will always watch the flight of ducks a few days before hunting. From the flight, one can notice the direction of bird movement, indicating a possibility of water in a particular direction.

Different flocks have different time intervals, so when observing, time of arrival etc should also be considered. This allows proper planning of the duck hunt. Making a good duck call is also necessary to lure birds. A duck's call mimics the sounds that ducks produce in the wild. There are various devices and methods that can produce a duck call, all of them producing the similar results. Making duck calls with friends would create an illusion that there are multiple ducks in the area and be more inclined to approach if they feel safe. But, making too many duck calls not only makes the area seems chaotic, but also drives away the birds. Thus a number of factors have to be considered before going on a hunting expedition to get successful results.

For more information on duck hunting and duck decoys visit our website.

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