Saturday, 14 June 2014

Poultry Farming - A Lucrative Business Option

Since the primitive ages, people have been keeping domestic animals in their farms as a source of food. Ever since then, various scientific and organic methods are introduced and animal farming has become a lucrative method of earning money. In the case of poultry farming, basically it is a scientific method of raising ducks, chicken, turkeys, ostriches and some other birds for their eggs or fowl.

As mentioned, there are two ways of doing business in poultry farming, one is to breed fleshy poultry to be sold as meat product, and the other is to breed for the eggs. People prefer poultry meat- especially those of chicken or roosters- to other kinds of meat, because poultry meat comes in an affordable price, while providing all the essential minerals and vitamins for the human body. As for the eggs, scientific development has helped to increase yield by improving both the quantity and quality of the eggs.

The best part of poultry farming is that start up investment is not high. The basic equipments include a coop for the poultry birds, a breeding area, a hatchery and a slaughterhouse. The owner must possess the knowledge of scheduling, different types of feeding, workings of the various medicines and breeding procedures etc. Balancing the profit and expenditure would also be essential in order to build a successful business. Data processing software is good investment as well should the finance permits.

Chicken farming has gained the highest popularity among poultry farming due to its easy application methods; among which one of the most popular methods is organic farming. Chicken are bred not within cages, but in open space and they are given natural food. In this way, the chicken can grow in a healthy and natural way.

On the other hand, owners who choose duck farming should pay more attention on the proper medication and feeding procedures. It is noticed that ducklings are easier to breed than grown ducks. Ducks need more living space than chickens, ponds or long yard-like venues are essential for proper breeding. Ducks' reproductive rite is high and hence can yield rapid success.

Owners should beware of the various kinds of poultry disease, as it is one of the biggest concerns for those who raise poultry. Diseases and infections can spread rapidly from one bird to the whole population. Diseases can arise from mismanagement, lack of proper medication, side effects of medicines or improper feeding. Some of the internationally known diseases are Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and avian influenza. It is better to be equipped with the proper medications and equipments to act quickly in case of emergencies, in order to minimize loss.

Owners should remember to give enough freedom to the birds. It is better not to confine them in the cage all the time but let them out to the open from time to time. Application of different organic methods in the farming process makes the birds healthier and is beneficial for the owners in the long run. Proper care should be taken to maximize gain. At the current growing rate, it can be said that the poultry farming business will not be confined to certain areas in the future.

Poultry farming is only available in rural places. Forming Poultry units only need a low budget and a small land. So it is like generating income that is sufficient for the rural population.
Click here for Poultry farming in India

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