Saturday, 14 June 2014

Raising Ducks - Few Aspects That You Have to First Ask Yourself Before Starting to Rear Ducks

Studies have shown that about a staggering twenty-two million ducks are raised every year in the United States alone. The primary reason why ducks are reared is for meat production. The other reason is for their egg-laying capabilities. Raising ducks can both be a profitable and enjoyable endeavor. In fact, raising ducks has become a hobby and upon a closer look at how it is done, it comes as a no surprise. Ducks are extremely sociable and likeable animals. They are very loyal and make good companions, which is why their popularity as pets is also fast increasing.

When it comes to raising ducks, there are a few things that you have to first ask yourself before beginning.

The first step in raising ducks is to find out which breed to rear. If what you are after is profit, then the type of duck to get should either be good egg-layers or one that weighs heavily for meat production. However, if your aim is to keep or sell them as pets, choose ducks that are companiable and pretty to look at.

Breeding ducks is also a matter of great importance and thus needs to be done in caution. It is advisable that ducks be reared to a marketing age first so that it is easy to determine their body weight. The idea is to pass on the characteristics of the duck to its offspring in combination with the characteristics of its partner. Ducks and drakes that are a year old is considered the best age to mate them.

In raising ducks, shelter is of prime importance and you should be able to provide them a home that is catered for their specific needs. Ducks do not nest and therefore, lay their eggs wherever they may be. This characteristic of theirs is often the cause of egg loss since after dropping the eggs, they can break upon impact and can be exposed to certain predators like snakes. To prevent this, the duck house floor should be covered with straw or wood shavings, and should be secure enough to keep the ducks safe from harm. You should also ensure that the shelter have adequate ventilation and drainage.

Next, provide the ducks with waterers and feeders to serve as containers for water and food respectively. Although not essential, it is also advisable to have a water body nearby the duck houses so the ducks can have somewhere to exercise and swim.

Next, provide the ducks with waterers and feeders to serve as containers for water and food respectively. Although not essential, it is also advisable to have a water body nearby the duck houses so the ducks can have somewhere to exercise and swim. If you think you still need guidance on raising ducks, consulting existing duck owners and farmers will certainly be a big help. If you would like to learn more about raising ducks correctly, please visit:

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