Monday, 28 July 2014

How to Break Through to a Real Black Belt

What is the difference between a Black Belt and a 'real'

Black Belt?

Interesting question, eh?

To explain this let me make a statement, and then explain

how that statement works.

The statement is that a real black belt does less to

create more.

Now, back in China, there were people who could do less

to make more.

The art trailed to Okinawa, and the concept tried to hang

on. In some respects it did, in others it didn't.

Then the Japanese (among others, they weren't alone in

this, just more efficient) came along and they said, 'We

want power!' So they made the work outs brutal, putting

force above intelligence, or awareness, and they

succeeded in deep sixing the already dying concept of

'doing less to create more.'

And, they are not the only ones who did this. Americans

are guilty of going along with this, not just as

students, but as 'power seekers' on their own.

Now, power is fine, for a beginner. But when you train in

the martial arts you progress to a point where you get

tired - that's as good a way of putting it as any - of

working so durned hard.

Part of this realization may come from finally seeing

through the blinders of power to the fact that a little

bit wisely and judiciously applied accomplishes just as

much, and more, than a lot blindly applied.

But you finally realize the truth, that it is not how

much power you can create, but how smartly you focus your

awareness to create and apply that power. Thus, the more

you become empty, before and after the focus, relaxing to

do the technique, the less power you actually have to

summon up.

You do less, and create larger effects. You punch

lightly, and it hurts more. You relax and throw more


You are not building muscles now, but rather awareness;

you are learning to focus, to use, awareness as a power.

Call it chi, if you wish.

This concept had millennium to take root and develop in

China, and teachers would teach it from the get go

(before the Great Cultural Revolution). Now people only

attain it rarely, and not if they stick to the power

seeking commercial schools that have come to reign.

Here's the interesting thing: you measure force, the

power of a beginner, with physics. But you cannot measure

chi with physics.

For you cannot measure awareness, especially when used in

this manner.

Now, the hallmark of the real black belt is not how much

power he has, but how light and liquid he is; how empty

he is; how measured and sure he is of his position in


Learn to do more by using less (force, impact, energy,

whatever) and you will be a real Black Belt.

If you would like to learn more about how to become a

real black belt check out The

authors blog is at

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