In a world where the masses of human beings are devolving, and by varied means of self-indulgence, are you prepared to survive? As you travel through a society where the gross stupidity index increases annually, have you planned countermeasures? Daily, when you step out that door, from your comfort zones, and false sense of security, have you considered the threats for the involuntary termination of your existence? Alternatively, do you mindlessly wander the social landscape and relish in the illusion of pop culture consumption? Not only is there the ever-darkening threat of human degeneration, nature conjures a staggering array of conditions adverse to human longevity. Life is too short to be arrogantly self-absorbed and happily stupid. When "normal" fails to offer the seductive gluttony of selfishness, how will you react?
As people predators search for mass victimization across the globe, terroristic actions continue to plan more creative means to provoke fear, death and disaster. And yet, that's only one reality in the myriad provocations of grotesque communal upheaval. Social survival tactics suggests your voluntary willfulness to plan protective contingencies in the event of a catastrophe. Are you training yourself every day for the worst-case scenario? This might be the calamitous aftermath of severe weather conditions, geologic eruptions, economic collapse or acts of bio-terrorism. Any number of widespread chaotic manifestations, natural or fabricated, could conceivably create an environment in which people degenerate into anarchy.
What if? A very good question, it's asked often by trainees, recruits and students. From many institutional settings, police academies and college classrooms, such is a reasonable perspective. Worst-case scenarios are considered by the police and the military on a regular basis. What about you and your situation? Have you considered your "what ifs"? Suppose the masses of westerners for instance, mindlessly accept the externalities of excessive material consumption. Since this is likely the case for great numbers of people, given their cultural context, what do you think will happen when comfort is removed? Sure, anarchy, chaos, and primeval predation. Massive numbers of people will behave in ways you can't imagine. Platitudes of simplistic "bumper sticker" conjecture will not suffice in the face of real basic survival needs. Primal existence trumps flirtations with the pretext of social civility. In confrontation with economic calamity, massive terrorist attacks or tumultuous weather conditions, life fights with death.
In all probability, death wins, as a significant number of people regress to prehistoric levels of subsistence. Subgroups quickly form into evolvers, survivors, predators and prey. Part of that "terminal velocity" for giving up, and embracing the cessation of life, relates to the practice of stupidity. Foolish behaviors have many historic and metaphorical references. Basically, people are selfish and unevolved and resist the self-willed hard work to become more differentiated human beings. Many will be unable to survive, since they are not up to it, physically and mentally, with no planned countermeasures. They will wait for government assistance that will not come. Those unfit will be among the first casualties at the basic level of survivability. Tactical preparedness goes to those who think, plan and prepare regularly.
While the mainstream press ponders almost anything, politicians pontificate political value, and pious proselytes predict the "inerrancy of dogma", human species extinction gets closer. Forget the collective harmony of cohesive safety and security. Instead, practice self-reliance and personal fitness in your own individualized transformational liberation. Stay away from the herd, the flock and gathered gaggle of frightened, timid and unimaginative crowds. In an emergency, most people with devolve to their primal basis of "anti-thinking" life forms. From a neural degraded standpoint, some of us metaphorically make reference to "zombification". As such, in a crisis, "zombie-like" behaviors, or criminogenic antics, can be fully expected.
Communal disintegration occurs very rapidly in chaotic situations. Human systems deteriorate. A number of examples are available for your research and study. Just ask the "Google" if you wish to investigate further. Whether by sensate fears, malevolent mindsets or organic infections, people cannot be expected to join together for the common good. You are your best ally in any given situation and need to consider a high degree of self-reliance. Naturally, a few might have trusted partnerships for backup and support purposes. But, that is not going to be true in every case. Perhaps some may eventually pull together for mutual aid purposes. However, there are no guarantees for anything, anywhere at any time.
From rioting after sporting events, to volcanic eruptions, herds of human will fragment into packs of "wild dogs" bent on instinctive satiation. Gangs of thugs will take advantage of every situation conducive to their hedonistic needs. Nonetheless, before the calamity, in the safe mediocrity of peaceful plenty, many will self-medicate in blissful ignorance. Day to day, we take so many aspects of our lives for granted, as if everything will be there tomorrow. But, what if it isn't? If all hell breaks loose, then what are your personal contingencies?
Basic to developing a tactical mindset for survival is criticality of preemptive thinking processes. Selfishness, which must be overcome, is transitioned from prurient fixations, to selflessness for higher personal ascendency. Creativity, innovation and instigation of individuality strive to overcome immature inclinations. Consistent active stimulation of thinking capacity utilizes healthy motivational energies for rational responsiveness. Consider what actions you would take, or actually plan to take, to increase opportunities for survivability.
Emotional reactivity in less evolved persons is counterproductive to progressive pursuit of self-determination. Such excessive "feel good" sentimentalities do not solve important problems of intense communal engagement. Mature growth in personal perspective should be balanced with logical application of deductive reasoning applicability. Important is a grown up viewpoint of humanity that understands the essentiality of healthy skepticism.
Although skillful use of common sense, infused with uncommon vigilance, is required for a tactical mindset, most people don't apply such commonality. Instead, many will continue to embrace institutionalized conformity that is constrained by the acceptance of mythic dogmas. Foolhardy juvenile behaviors are more fun than serious personal introspection. Keep in mind, in a widespread public devastation, public safety personnel are one percent of the total population. Law enforcement, medical and emergency services will be overwhelmed.
In addition, a rescue by "supernatural forces" will not be coming in a worst-case scenario. As "hope springs eternal" however, large numbers of people will not comprehend the potentially disastrous implications of magical thinking. Pray all you want and think whatever you need to believe, but get prepared and stay focused on the reality of your environment. Confirmation bias for the sake of subjective validation conveniently avoids facts to the contrary.
Critical thinking skills remain monumental to advancing your cause for reducing the risks of adverse conditions. This might be described more tactically as mental alacrity with intuitive acuity. That means you think analytically and strategically, as you become increasingly preparedness oriented. You are capable of becoming a proactive "survivalist" problem solver. Every day you should practice being ready to respond confidently. Survival techniques and the issues you might face in a crisis should be evaluated with creativity for adaptability. Think, plan and improvise as best you can, given your skillset and the resources available. Your "mindset" is an effective weapon system. Anticipation of probable disasters, recognition of social systems breakdown, and initiation of personal protection plans are part of that intricacy.
To survive with other humans, in various states of distress, you have to develop a tactical mindset or an intelligent "combat" perspective. Each has different needs for self-determination. Sustainability is vital and supported by reducing "target" exposure. Becoming a lower profile is a challenging task for most people. For example, tactically prepared suggests you're not in need of a lot of attention, because you're self-confident about your abilities. So, as a result, you really have nothing to prove to anyone and don't need the approval of others. With confidence, one stays focused on the reality of the facts, and not the emotionalism of self-doubt.
Likewise, when in public an evolving adult doesn't act like a child, in either manner or dress. Since most people haven't evolved much further than high school, they tend to need a lot of attention. This makes them potentially a threat to those tactically prepared. Adult "children" will be of little help in an emergency. They will endanger others. Emotional "feel good" thinking remains child-like in always striving for immediate gratification. And, by it, a person takes life for granted and remains unevolved. Antics generally include being flashy and flamboyant, lazy and slothful, silly and socially inept. Not to forget of course, mentally and physically diminished. Egoistic gluttony avoids striving for becoming a better person.
A non-anxious well-differentiated person works continuously to ensure a rational mindset. Social survival includes the importance of knowing, if needed, you are fit, ready and smart enough to deal with adverse situations. Mental fitness is vital, regardless of the setting. Fundamental to such endurance is the achievement of mental toughness. One must work very hard to bring about a disciplined transformation of his or her thinking processes. Nothing is taken for granted and nothing is expected in entitlement. In evolving neural tenacity for perseverance against the odds, you devote yourself to such commitment every day.
Weepy simpleminded thinking, laced with emotive reactivity for myriad fallacies of inference, is the immature fixation on personal shortcomings. Magical thinking in the silliness of foolish behaviors promotes the stupidity of collective superficiality. Conceited self-indulgence diminishes empathy for others and puts society at risk. It's selfishness in the cowardly blather of whining excuses about how unfair life has become. And yet to the contrary, those who seek a more progressed persona, the few who want to survive in a crisis, believe in devotion to personal improvement. Preparation and planning for diverse contingencies, regardless of the setting, addresses issues relative to belief in the power of mental creativity. For the tactical thinker, he or she has the desire to act decisively and strategically in self-mastery of oneself.
And as such, if things really get dicey and the social infrastructures begin to collapse, are you prepared to do what is necessary to prevail? Is the harsh and horrid nature of survival under extreme conditions in the forefront of your thinking processes? At this point, let's say communal interactivity has seriously degenerated. Conditions are beyond the simple confrontation of neighborhood disagreement over whose dog defecated on whose yard. You are passed the issue of who butted in line ahead of someone else to buy movie tickets. You're not even concerned about which car cut you off at the intersection. All those kinds of trivial things are minor, or irrelevant, in comparison to a major societal disaster.
In the worst-case scenario, materials resources, goods and services, as well as community civility can devolve in a very short time. Who knows what that might be? Maybe nuclear devices, instigated by terrorists, have caused wide scale destruction, and power grids have disintegrated. Cyber perpetrators could assault computer systems on a national scale. Perhaps, criminals may have launched a bio-weapons attack, and airborne contagions infected entire population centers. If so, then some might appreciate how quickly the social framework can breakdown. If something very horrible were to occur, then self-reliance becomes vital. To that, thinking is a crucial planning, training and anticipating process of self-defense.
One basic frame of reference begins with an understanding of who you are. It's a life-long commitment to self-transformation. That starts the hard work of serious mental-physical preparation. Mindset is taking control to evolve effectively and harnessing the power of the cerebral potency within. For example, you ask yourself daily, look in the mirror, who am I? And, your answer is, you're a person who will fight to survive against the odds. You have to be ready to strive in chaos, when everyone else is demoralized by fear. Start now, before disaster strikes, to think crucially about yourself, what you know and what you do. You might adapt the "what ifs" configuration of the concept of who, what, where, when, why and how.
For that matter, your tactics could be any other rubric that focuses on personal responsibility in taking charge of one's life without relying on others. In a crisis, you may not be able to rely on anyone except yourself, and maybe a few other very close associates. So, again, who are you? What are you prepared to do? Where will you go? When will you take pre-emptive action? Why will you do these things? And, how do you intend to accomplish survival tasks? Now, after a preliminary review of initial questions, you go back over them. Consider the basics of each question, revise them and ask more questions. Update your answers as often as possible.
Preparation, planning, and practical procedures, complimented with an ever developing tactical mindset are vital. Simply stated, the vast majority of people are not well prepared. Physically, psychologically, and intuitively, many hold onto a major social fallacy of inference. Many persons think that a government rescue will occur quickly and efficiently. After which, everything will return to "status quo". Even if nothing ever happens of a serious nature, and that's unrealistic, one should be prepared for implementing defensive countermeasures effectively. In an atmosphere of severe social disruption, daily "routines" of "normal" existence hurriedly dissipate. Life becomes extraordinarily primal and "cannibalistic."
With terrifying and overwhelming speed, civility can deteriorate to wickedly horrible levels. As frequently advised by governmental authority, we are encouraged to be ready for self-sufficiency for at least seventy-two hours. With this in mind, it is suggested that assistance will follow within a reasonable time frame. Again, what if no rescue is forthcoming because things really got that bad? If the unimaginable happened and you were fortunate, depending on your perspective, to have survived, whatever is left will be vastly different. The "new world" you will emerge into has radically changed. Everything you took for granted is gone. And, you will have to implement a capacity for social survival, in spite of wishful thinking to the contrary.
In the uncertain world of global catastrophe, threats will come from many diverse directions. You may be fooled by the deception of those around you. We often are tricked and disappointed by those we trusted. Each of us has to learn to become more self-reliant on an individual basis. Keep in mind we humans can be exceptionally gifted at ruses, scams and con jobs. That's human nature, good, bad and indifferent, so get used to it, and plan on worst-case scenarios. And particularly, you might be amazed by those you'd least expect to turn on you. Many people will be out for themselves when a crisis occurs. They will fail to plan ahead, like the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, plan today for what might happen tomorrow.
Should "Armageddon" happen, traditional structures of law and order will disappear. Living from day to day will be a continuous encounter with deadly possibilities. How you think and respond become matters of how mature your thinking processes have evolved. Self-survival strategies relate to the confidence you have to take charge of your situation. Emotional shortcomings have a way of adversely affecting rational creativity. Stressful feelings, fueled by the intensity of the situation, stifle the ability to improvise and adapt. Applying rigorous psychodynamic control for self-sufficiency often defy those who are less skilled.
The basic rule of five P's should guide the continuum of thoughtful anticipation of probable obstacles, threats and dangers. That is, proper planning prevents poor performance. Well, at least that's the early warning expectation. Nothing is ever foolproof. No such thing as any "fail safe" system, except the systems that fail. There will always be quirks, distractions and unexpected surprises. But, you must remain as alert as possible. You can do what you think is necessary, and work with what is available. Obviously, your tactics are influenced by what's readily at hand. And, your strategy is affected by the resources you can muster. To that, you add your particular skill set and do the best you can, gather information and be creative.
Practical, differentiated and personally coordinated rational behavior is up to you. Emotive feel good attention getting behaviors are counterproductive. You can't act like a whining, sniveling malcontented child the rest of your life. You have to grow up sometime. That is of course, if you choose to transform in progressively self-evolving ways. Self-actualization does not result from power and privilege or celebrity status. You can be socially successful and remain stupidly arrogant, devoid of the ravages of wisdom and understanding. Part of the process requires getting over yourself and moving beyond your level of selfishness. The arduous procedures of learning necessitate actions at your instigation.
To relish in what you do not have to worry about is welcomed in facing what you might lose. Many will suffer much and grieve their material losses, comforts and luxuries they took for granted. That which is the prideful satiation for extravagant prurience becomes the curse of primal devolution when it disappears. When the world around us suddenly changes, anxiety is likely to stress adversely the consciousness of any pretext to civility. Survival in a post-apocalyptic environment demands a confidently balanced mindset. Why not now begin to practice a more tactical, albeit scaled down, increasingly disciplined lifestyle?
Many will resist any effort to make newer, wiser and more frugal transitions. But, if you want to be prepared, then you have to change yourself from the inside out. With a healthy sense of skepticism about the human species, you will institute your social survival training program. The vast majority will not learn to do that. They will remain within the context of "high school" thinking for the sake of simplistic reactivity.
Painful tension aggravates the senses when one is required to control the superficiality for immediate gratification. Hedonistic proclivities are much more pleasurable in satiating the emotionalism of primal needs. Nonetheless, effective tactics, based on logically deductive rationality, require a high degree of self-discipline.
Unfortunately, many do not want the responsibility of being mentally well equipped or well trained. Instead, emotions drive fallacies for hasty generalizations. In feelings over logic social landscapes, interactions become problematic and social policy breaks down to primal reactivity. Foolish thinking acquiesces to misconceptions; misconceptions stimulate redirection in sleight of hand diversion to safer places of thinking. Social survival of the psychologically more fit becomes monumental in a world that feeds on victimization. As humanity continues is downward spiral in devolving transgressions, people tend to rely more heavily upon those perceived to be an "authority". Frequently, discussions appeal to the assumption that someone believed to know what they are talking about, actually possess accurate information.
Emotive language, liberally animated by colorful metaphor and misuse of analogy, often aid the deception. Ruse is commonplace today. Whether in print, on the internet or television, analytic application of facts is not as sexy. Instead, "talking heads" prefer emotionally charged expressions. Metaphors by attempts at clever story telling deceive the true nature of most news reporting. Such postulations cling persistently to the subjectivity of confirmation bias. The primordial simplicity that someone has said everything has an answer, and there is a quick fix solution, should come as little comfort. We should be very skeptical. In a time of supposed enlightenment and technological innovation, the reach of extreme ideologies has increased significantly. From alien abductions to global conspiracies, magical thinking unfolds. Mental illness has become widespread, along with supernatural ideologies.
Myths, magic and mysticism abound in divergent spheres of social interaction. Thinking processes for profound, fact driven and unifying societal interactivity are shrinking. In adverse circumstances, situations alter abruptly to matters of basic survival. Not many can be trusted to be self-reliant, competently prepared and empathically communal, all at one time when chaos ensues. One's true inner self reveals its darkness when things get bad. In a crisis, the conditions degrade rapidly. Crowds panic and groups reduce themselves to baser needs of primeval existence. People feed on their fears, which have been manifesting inside due to their particular psychological issues. Malevolence easily comes out. Regardless, change is challenging and most people do not like change to interfere with their "normal regular" routine of daily habits. If one considers the psycho-dynamics of a dysfunctional society, then vigilance and proper preparation remain essential. Applying strenuous effort, one travels a quest for an intuitive understanding of oneself. This means learning and growing in maturity in self-evolution.
Through the complexity of selfishly aggressive tendencies, coupled with exploitation of human and material resources, inclinations suggest the eventual demise of human beings. As thinking processes of the many delude to the primal instigation of mythic misguidance, illicit proclivities suggest continued devolution. While some claim to "expose" the secrecy of government conspiracies, corporate corruptions, or cultic collusions, they confuse their objectives with their goals of personal aggrandizement and self-indulgence. As a result, not much changes, as people do not change very much and never will. A few will make an effort, and these are among those who may likely survive increasingly adverse conditions.
Immediate gratification, from basic primordial fixations, cloaks the reality of rational efforts, to change oneself by individual strength of liberation. Superstition abound as answers are seek amazingly misguided and foolish directions. By the contrivances of many intentional sources of superficiality, entire population groups fail to separate the light from the darkness of faulty thinking. They remain satisfied with the mundane, the trivial and the immature, to satiate their status quo. To isolate intelligent illumination from the simplicity of less than average assumptions requires diligent vigilance of mental acuity. However, many callously accept any interpersonal communication at face value and as authority without question.
From one skilled calculation to another, some seek to dominate the many through the power of commercialization and complicity of globalization. Focus on money, success, fame and fortunate, notoriety and status permeate the infotainment world. The fringes of excess may only be the beginning of worse experiences yet to come. To this intricacy of materialistic obsession, the many willingly invite the myriad distractions that buffer creative insights, stifle independence of thought, and detract from freedom of inventive progressions.
Entire social, economic and political institutions process an assembly line of seductive conformity. A majority of the fleeced flock will not resist the temptations to regress further. Regressive acquiescence of psychodynamic abilities follows tediously, as well as tenaciously, in pursuit of shallow self-indulgence. As people turn against the very nature of their creativity, they devolve in their thinking capabilities. People commit destructive acts against others and do things that destroy human transformational processes. Essential to survivability is maturity on such a scale that understanding transmutes into wisdom of consciously profound ascension. On the contrary, like locusts consumption will likely exceed future provisional capacities. As such, we fail to scale the highest reaches of imagination to prevail beyond eternity.
In the end, when the lights go out on what we once knew, the atmosphere will become very dark. Illusions of paranormal fascinations suddenly fade into the shadows of misspent energies. Human manifestations for horrible purposes will confront the safe mediocrity of the ill prepared. After that, not much will matter. Mystical beliefs, mythic perceptions and dogmatic intentions will be replaced by the primal levels of survival. Lofty ideals will crash around the smug pretentions of those who once looked askance at those perceived in a lesser context.
A healthy mature sense of social skepticism ought to be at the forefront of communal interactivity. Rather than being lulled into the complacency of foolhardy naiveté about people in general, one should ensure a proactive mindset. Naturally, that begins with a very serious personal self-defense training regimen. Proper planning prevents poor performance most of the time. A conscientious effort to safeguard mind and body require commitment.
Awareness is important. Would it be fair to say, you maintain active vigilance and practice being present in each aspect of your life? Are you aware of your personality, physicality and the nature of your physical surroundings? Does maturity play into your mental capabilities? On the other hand, are you in a grownup body, but instead, you act like a child?
Being physical fit or capable at least on an average basis is vital. How well can you fend for yourself when the "cow pies" hit the apocalyptic fan? Additionally, to develop mental focus, or psychological toughness, coupled with a tactical mindset, demands devotion and perseverance. Every day is an opportunity to "role play" the possibilities and explore the "what ifs" of social survival. Nonetheless, many are unprepared and will be caught by surprise.
We have to change our usual simplistic mode of thinking. Survival in the worst-case scenario requires thinking in different, more effective and efficient ways. It is easy to go blithely and gullibly through life, relying on others to ensure your well-being. At the end of the day, however, you are the only one solely responsible for your safety and security. Remaining oblivious to the harsh realities around us is no guarantee. The affinity for eternity without end, or an afterlife of perpetual bliss, reflects the tendency to believe the mythologies we have created.
When things become challenging, threatening and deadly, thinking processes must quickly transcend emotional reactivity, and transform to higher levels of the proactive. Moment to moment, at every opportunity, think about where you are and what is going on around you. Consider the options under your control. With that, appreciate the essentiality of personal commitment you need to invest and give confidence to the choices you make.
Personal responsibility for serious commitment to social survival tactics means you have to be a grownup. You're not in "high school", developing a tactical mindset is crucial, you're an adult, so simply stated, grow up. Stop depending on others, change your thinking to self-reliance and consistent vigilance, and be a responsible member of the community. Learning how to be a non-anxious self-differentiated person, reinforces due diligence necessary to prepare yourself each time you venture out into "civilization". This means personal transformation.
There are people around you with needs, desires and individual proclivities. From an escalating scale of hedonistic inclinations, from deception to torture, anyone is capable of anything anywhere at any time. Do not be surprised by the range and extent of human selfishness, cruelty and debasing stupidity. Training yourself to prevail is a never-ending process of learning. Hands-on realistic personal self-evolution means you maintain a positive attitude even when you don't want to. Personal responsibility has demands.
Likewise, being prepared to take action when needed requires the complete devotion of oneself. Upon rising to the new day, you are fortunate to begin again, and experience testing of wisdom and understanding for a better version of your original self. Planning, preparing and practicing the mindset, is to engage your day with the self-assurance to overcome adverse conditions. Winning over the obstacles, prevailing above the confrontations and conquering the miscalculations, has an initial starting point with attitudinal effectiveness.
From there, within the vast realms in the primacy of thinking, we must insist upon a sensible capacity to behave rationally. Keep in mind most people do not behave in rational ways. Irrationality with the support of fallacies of inference is part of the characteristics of magical thinking. They relegate their choices to primal levels of personal gratification. When things get bad and conditions deteriorate, many will devolve more rapidly to states of very foolish "anti-thinking". The situation might be as simple as a rainstorm. Ever watch people drive during such conditions? Fearfully, people in groups become like sheep or cattle and stampede.
That's because they're lazy, rely on superstitions, want to see magical solutions, remain unevolved and childish, and think at the lowest common denominator. Make no mistake, human stupidity grows with each passing day. Yeah, that sure sounds dismal, as an outlook on human beings. Yes, in fact it is very sad. Well, if people react badly during storm conditions, how do you think they will act when social mechanisms breakdown? You might be completely on your own with the advent of a catastrophe. Social survival tactics in a devolving society is vital.
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