Thursday, 12 February 2015

All Small Business Owners Get The Fear - How Branding Your Business Can Help You Overcome It

Ten years ago I left behind the corporate world and started my own


It was absolutely terrifying. What I wasn't expecting was to find out

that a decade on, at times, it still is.

Every small business owner gets The Fear - it's part of the deal. It's

hardly surprising when you think of the risks we take, the burdens we


I left behind a good job, a great salary and all sorts of perks and

benefits, not least the peace of mind that every month the bills would

be paid. But job security wasn't enough to fulfil me.

I wanted more - I wanted to make a great living doing work I loved;

work that meant something to me; work that did good in the world; work

that was an expression of my authentic self. I love coaching and

writing, and I love helping others make a great living doing work they

love. That was, and remains, my purpose, my guiding light - what I

think of as my North Star.

My North Star guides me whatever's going on. It's an unshakeable,

immovable source of guidance, a trusted point from which I can always

navigate, no matter what's going on. It is the thing that drives me,

and my business and makes it all worthwhile. It gives me courage -

something all small business owners need in spades.

My father - owner of his own business, as was his father before him -

gave me the greatest advice on that day ten years ago when I started

out. He said: "Once you've worked for yourself you'll never go back to

having a job again. When it's going well, there's nothing better in

the world. But let me warn you - you will be awake at 4am worrying

about where the next client is coming from. And when it's bad, it's

terrible, because no-one else can shoulder the burden for you, it's

yours alone.
So be sure you know why you're doing it."

Boy was he right! When it's going well, when there are clients lined

up and the words are flowing onto the page, it's wonderful. I feel

privileged and honoured to do the work I do. It's hard work, but it's

not as hard as dragging yourself into a job you hate every day.

When it's not going so well, running your own business is the

loneliest job in the world. There's no-one to share it with, no-one

else really understands, and even if they do, they can't really help

you. They can pour you another drink and listen while you sob about

how hard it all is, but the buck stops with you, and you know it. No-

one can make it work but you, and that's why you get The Fear.

When The Fear strikes, you need passion and purpose

That's why it's SO important to know WHY you do what you do. When

there's no work lined up and you have no idea what to do about it

that's when you need your passion - the core of your brand - most.

The Fear whispers that it's all for nothing; that it's going to fail;

that it's all hopeless. What's the point? you ask yourself. And that's

the question at the core of your brand and at the bottom of it all -

what IS the bloody point?

The Fear doesn't care about KPIs

I had The Fear last weekend: a full on case of the wobbles, the 'what

the heck am I doing's. Self-doubt filled my mind at night and endless

lists of all the things I need to do filled my days. I have a great

business coach and all sorts of plans and strategies, but they're

nothing in the face of The Fear. When it strikes there is no logic, no

list, no KPI in the world that can pacify it. The only thing that can

counteract fear is love - cheesy I know - and in this case it's your

love for what you do that counts.

Your North Star is the reason why you do it.

That thing that you do - that you love, that makes your heart sing,

that you do in a way that no-one else does it - whatever it may be -

that's what makes it all worthwhile. That's your North Star.

Whether it's writing and coaching or cooking or gardening or

consulting or fixing people's gadgets or teaching people how to use

social media or baking artisan bread; it doesn't matter what it is, as

long as it's meaningful and feels like you have a purpose in life.

That's what gives you the sense of fulfilment no job ever could -

because it comes from the heart. And that's why it must be at the

heart of your brand. It's central, critical, literally vital to what

you do.

What to do when The Fear strikes

When you get The Fear, there are two things you must do. The first is

to be very, very kind and gentle with yourself; don't give yourself a

hard time, that's counterproductive. Treat yourself as you would a

terrified child learning to swim - reassuring them that everything's

going to be all right and they can do it.

The second is to look to your North Star for direction - remember why

you do what you do, your sense of purpose, of passion and mission in

the world. Tune into that part of your soul that remembers why you

took this hard, winding, uphill road towards success, and listen to

it. Because when you go back to that unshakeable truth, that immovable

point of guidance, suddenly you will know what to do. You might not

know everything you need to do, but the next step will become clear, I


Small steps in the right direction

Then, slowly, get up off the floor, take a deep breath, and get back

to it. It doesn't matter what you do, just do something related to

your North Star, something that's heading in the right direction.

Slowly but surely (sometimes quickly and surprisingly) you'll get back

in the flow and the right clients will be drawn to you.

You'll thrive again, and The Fear will be pacified, until the next


And next time it strikes, you'll know how to greet it, and it won't be

quite so terrifying.

So here's the big question: Do you know what your North Star is?

Do you know exactly what it is that you're passionate about in your

business, what it is that drives you, gives your work meaning, gives

you that magical sense of fulfilment?

If you want a clear, shining North Star that provides your brand with

an unshakable source of guidance, then coaching with the Authentic

Branding Company will help.

I'm Susi Jacobs of The Authentic Branding Company. Get in touch today

to book a free, no-obligation call to discuss how I can help you get

crystal clear on what your business is about, so you can grow it to

greater success. Email or visit today!

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