Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Education Data Mining, Kids' Privacy Rights, and Protective Measures Being Taken

Obama recently took to the bully pulpit again, this time proposing

what he called the Student Digital Privacy Act, saying, "If we're

going to be connected, then we need to be protected." The act's

purpose is "to prevent companies from selling sensitive student

information collected in schools and using such data to engage in

targeted advertising to children." In other words, all that

information being collected about our kids should be used for

educational purposes only, not exploitation and marketing..

After all, says Alison DeNisco, news editor at District Administration

Magazine, "When students use technology in the classroom, every

keystroke creates a trail of digital information."

And, unfortunately, that information trail isn't mined solely for

educational purposes, despite the Family Educational Rights and

Privacy Act, aka FERPA. On the books since 1974, it was established

"to protect the privacy of student education records and give parents

certain rights with respect to the children's educational records."

Yes, privacy was a concern even before our lives were stored in a so-

called cloud.

And, cautions consultant and writer Laura H. Chapman, "It is not

widely known that in 2009, USDE [U.S. Department of Education]

modified the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act so that student

data-test scores, health records, learning issues, disciplinary

records-can be used for education studies without parental consent.

Moreover, a 2012 issue brief from USDE outlined a program of data

mining and learning analytics in partnership with commercial


And so it goes, loopholes and all, which brings us back to Obama's

Student Digital Privacy Act. Though few details have been revealed,

it's apparently modeled on the Student Online Personal Information and

Protection Act (SOPIPA) signed by California's Governor Jerry Brown in

September, 2104. Among its provisions, online educational services

operators are:

    "Prohibited from selling and using student data and using such

information to target advertising to students or to 'amass a profile'

on students for a non-educational purpose."
    "Required to maintain adequate security procedures and delete

information when requested by a school or district."

On top of all that is the Student Data Privacy Pledge, a project

developed by the Software and Information Industry Association and the

Future of Privacy Forum. Although voluntary, Obama said, "It's the

right thing to do. And if you don't join this effort, then we intend

to make sure that those schools and those parents know you haven't

joined this effort." As a result, more than 100 companies have now

signed on, including such biggies as Microsoft and Amazon.

One major holdout was Google, which didn't take the pledge until last

month. And that's a big deal because Google is so big and now says,

"Protecting the privacy and security of all our users, including

students, is a top priority." The YouTube-based educational Khan

Academy has now also taken the pledge.

By signing on, these companies must keep their privacy practices

transparent, while also vowing...

    To be accountable for how they use data pulled from student work.
    Not to sell student information beyond what's needed for

educational/school purposes.
    Not to use the personal information gleaned for targeted

    To use student data only for authorized educational purposes.
    Not to build personal student profiles except to support

educational needs.

Stay tuned.

The $8 billion educational technology industry says all this fuss is

unnecessary, while others complain that these measures don't go far

enough. That includes countless parents who are concerned about what's

actually being done with such information as their children's

ability/disability status, disciplinary records, preferences, test

performances, and academics.

They want Obama to require that companies directly provide parents

with lists of what they're collecting about their children, how that

information is used to rank and categorize them, and how all that

affects their treatment in school as a result.

Leonie Haimson, executive director of Class Size Matters and co-

founder of Parents Across America, is troubled by the many loopholes

in SOPIPA, which is the basis for Obama's newly proposed Student Data

Privacy Bill. In fact, she goes so far as to say, "We see this as a

very weak proposal, actually, and it doesn't stop a lot of what we are

concerned about... We don't want student information sold for any

reason without parental consent."

Think she's right, or is all this much ado about nothing like some in

the ed tech industry would have us believe?

Carol is a learning specialist who worked with middle school children

and their parents at the Methacton School District in Pennsylvania for

more than 25 years and now supervises student teachers at Gwynedd-

Mercy University and Ursinus College. Along with the booklet, 149

Parenting School-Wise Tips: Intermediate Grades & Up, and numerous

articles in such publications as Teaching Pre-K-8 and Curious Parents,

she has authored three successful learning guidebooks: Getting

School-Wise: A Student Guidebook, Other-Wise and School-Wise: A Parent

Guidebook, and ESL Activities for Every Month of the School Year.

Carol also writes for; find her articles at For more information, go to or contact Carol at

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