This usually involves the application of a paste/gel onto an external
lesion (e.g. applying dilute Betadine over a bacterial skin
PARENTERAL (i.e. via injection)
Intramuscular (IM)
This is the most commonly used method for antibiotic injection. Aim
for the muscle block just ventral and caudal to the dorsal fin. The
needle should be positioned between the scales and aimed to come in
from a caudo-rostral angle. Inject slowly to prevent reflux. The
medication is rapidly dispersed by the rich blood supply. This
technique is recommended for gravid females and not recommended for
small fish and fish with little muscle bulk. The disadvantage of this
method is that the injection site may discolour (aim for dark coloured
areas on the fish so that melanisation will not show).
Intraperitoneal (IP)
Place the fish on its side or on its back to allow the peritoneal
organs to gravitate away from the body wall. Insert needle into this
space at a shallow angle to avoid penetrating the internal organs.
This is a common route of administrating vaccines as it is done on
small fish and will not harm the flesh. It is also good for
administrating "painful" medications such as enrofloxacin. The
disadvantages of this method are:
• damaging the peritoneal organs or,
• if injected into the ovary, the drug will not redistribute to the
rest of the body, and
• if injected into the intestinal lumen, the drug will be excreted.
Intravenous (IV)
Fish must be anaesthetised. Insert the needle midline and at 90 to 45
degrees, needle pointing towards the front, just caudal to the ventral
fin. Stop just short of the spine. This technique is used more
commonly for drawing blood than for administering drugs.
Per os
This is a common delivery method for antibiotics on large farms for
ease of medicating large numbers of fish and also minimises handling
stress. However, the delivery of the correct doses to each individual
fish is difficult (sick fish are usually inappetent and it is these
that should actually be receiving the medication). Medication is
either sprayed onto the food, impregnated into the food, or prepared
with food coated with medicated gelatin, agar or oil. Depending on the
drug, this medicated food may sometimes be less palatable. It is thus
recommended to reduce the amount of food fed per day by 25-50%.
Gastric intubation
If fish are not eating, they can be anaesthetized and force-fed via a
stomach tube. Use a 3mm outer diameter catheter and a 5ml syringe (for
larger fish, use a 6mm outer diameter with a 20ml syringe). Administer
1.0-1.15 ml/kg body weight. Due to the high pressure needed to deliver
the suspension, the tube may need to be glued to the syringe with
cyanoacrylate (e.g. super glue).
This is useful for external parasitic infections and involves using
relatively high concentrations of drugs dissolved in the water of a
treatment tank. Fish are held in nets and briefly immersed in the
treatment solution and then placed into a hospital/quarantine tank.
This is often used for new arrivals. Make sure dips are refreshed
This is a variation of the 'dip' treatment. It uses lower drug
concentration and involves allowing the sick fish to swim in the
medicated water for a period ranging between 2-60 minutes. These are
useful for external infections including protozoal, bacterial and
fungal. Commercially, this method is used for vaccinating fish against
bacterial infection.
Prolonged immersion / permanent bath
This is yet another variation of medicated water where very low
concentrations of the drug is used, but the length of exposure is
increased. This is particularly useful if the parasites have stages in
their lifecycle when they are refractory to treatment (e.g. white spot
disease) - the longer exposure time in the medicated water will
increase the chances of killing the parasites when they reach the
susceptible stage. This method is also used to reduce osmoregulatory
stress, when 2-5mg/L of salt (sodium chloride) is added, in
conjunction with other forms of treatment. It is also the most
frequently used method where client compliance may be low as it is the
easiest option.
This article taken from: Loh & Landos (2011) Fish Vetting Essentials.
Richmond Loh Publishing, Perth.
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