Sunday, 13 March 2016

Book Summary: "12: The Elements of Great Managing" by Rodd Wagner and James Harter

In 1999, "First, Break All the Rules" became a best-

seller. It was based on the results of The Gallup

Organization combing through its database of more than 1

million employee and manager interviews to identify the

elements most important to sustaining workplace


In that book's sequel, "12: The Elements of Great

Managing," the authors incorporated the (by then) over 10

million interviews in order to deepen the focus on how

great managers inspire top performance in employees by

creating and sustaining employee engagement.

Each chapter in the book describes one of the 12 Elements

in detail, and wrapped around an explanation of the

element is the story of a manager who epitomizes that

aspect. Following is a brief summary of each of the 12


The 1st Element: Knowing What's Expected

Too often employees don't truly know what is expected of

them at work. Overlapping responsibilities, lack of

ownership and accountability, general role confusion, and

a lack of willingness by managers and employees alike

contribute to the need for the First Element: job

clarity. The authors write that "knowing what's expected

is more than a job description. It's a detailed

understanding of how what one person is supposed to do

fits in with what everyone else is supposed to do." Every

employee should be able to make a credible connection

between their job and the mission and profits of the


The 2nd Element: Materials and Equipment

Ensuring that employees have the materials and equipment

they need to do their work well serves two purposes for

the company: 1) having the right tools makes a job safer,

easier, and more productive, and 2) the employee's

perception that that company backs her up with the

equipment she wants and needs is a powerful psychological

motivator. It's encouraging that, generally, people want

to be productive and do their jobs well. They merely need

the proper materials and equipment to give them that


The 3rd Element: The Opportunity to Do What I Do Best

The authors contend that "Matching a person to the right

job, or a job to the right person, is one of the most

complicated responsibilities any manager will face." As a

consequence, no other element of managing has as much

depth as the Third: "At work, I have the opportunity to

do what I do best every day." The focus on the needs of

the job has led to an increased use of job benchmarking

while the identification of a person's talents has

resulted in the popularity of individual assessments such

as StrengthsFinder.

The 4th Element: Recognition and Praise

In the perception of employees generally, praise is

painfully absent from most companies and the workgroups

within them. In fact, it is not uncommon to find between

one-fifth and one-third of people who feel that their

best efforts are routinely ignored. So, the Fourth

Element is that, in the last seven days, has an employee

received recognition or praise for doing good work. The

authors feel that because of its power, low cos,t and

rarity, this element is one of the greatest lost

opportunities in the business world today.

The 5th Element: Someone at Work Cares About Me as a


People treat each other differently when they form a

personal connection and, as such, employees give more

effort in a group when they feel they are more than just

a number. The business, then, reaps the rewards of

greater teamwork. The Fifth Element is that "My

supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as

a person."

The 6th Element: Someone at Work Encourages My


Mentors have existed throughout the ages, and the Sixth

Element, that there is someone at work who encourages my

development, requires this kind of guidance through

personal interaction. Statistics indicate that having a

mentor is fundamental, a part of the unwritten social

contract workers anticipate when they are hired. However,

to be effective, these relationships must form naturally

and not be forced. It is noted that in regards to having

a mentor, many companies look better after new employees

than they do their longstanding, loyal employees.

The 7th Element: My Opinions Seem to Count

Incorporating employee ideas pays back twice. First, the

idea itself often is a good one. Second, that the idea

comes from the employees themselves makes it much more

likely they will be committed to its execution. To the

second point, the authors write that "No matter how

strong the external incentives, they never seem to

measure up to the internal drive of advancing something

that is at least partially one's own idea." Welcoming

employee opinions also produces greater feelings of

inclusion among workers.

The 8th Element: A Connection with the Mission of the


The degree to which a team agrees with this statement is

predictive of its performance on a wide array of

measures: The mission or purpose of my company makes me

feel my job is important. While many of the other

Elements relate to the job itself and getting the job

done, the Eighth Element is strictly an emotional need,

as if the employee can't energize himself to do all he

could without knowing how his job fits into the grand

scheme of things. Once the employees' basic needs are

fulfilled, they search for meaning in their vocation.

People gravitate toward a larger purpose.

The 9th Element: Coworkers Committed to Doing Quality


The authors write that "Few factors are more corrosive to

teamwork than the employee who skates through life taking

advantage of the much harder work of others." Thus, the

Ninth Element is: My associates or fellow employees are

committed to doing quality work. In an average team, only

about one in three employee strongly agrees that her

associates are committed to doing quality work. When 2 +

2 equals 3 instead of 2 + 2 equaling 5, the low

performers need to be addressed, whether it's a lack of

skill or will (or both), since they drag the entire team


The 10th Element: A Best Friend at Work

In response to the original Gallup poll questions, a

Washington Post columnist wrote "A best friend at work?

What is this? High school?" The Chicago Tribune warned

managers to be careful: "Friendships at work can lead to

jealousy, envy and sloth." The most controversial of the

12 Elements is the Tenth: "I have a best friend at work."

Gallup noted that they would have dropped this statement

if not for one stubborn fact: It predicts performance.

The authors note that "Something about a deep sense of

affiliation with the people in an employee's team drives

him to do positive things for the business he otherwise

would not do."

The 11th Element: Talking About Progress

The Eleventh Element is measured by the statement: "In

the last six months, someone at work has talked to me

about my progress." The authors write that "... the

annual review isn't all it's cracked up to be, but

receiving regular, insightful, personal feedback is

intensely powerful to workers." Since we are often not

competent at self-critiques and self-evaluations, it is

imperative that a manager, a coach, or a mentor be able

to hold up a mirror to an employee. From the Gallup

study: a manager who primarily focuses on his employees'

strengths essentially inoculates them from being actively

disengaged. Those managers who focus on weaknesses

achieve lower results, but the manager gets credit for at

least "focusing" on the individual. The worst-performing

managers were those who essentially ignored their team.

Of note: nearly two-thirds of employees who are actively

disengaged say their boss is asleep at the wheel,

providing little or no feedback of any kind.

The 12th Element: Opportunities to Learn and Grow

At the pinnacle of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid is

"self-actualization," fulfilling one's potential. The

dictionary definition of career revolves around the idea

of successively greater accomplishments: Career -

professional progress: somebody's progress in a chosen

profession or during that person's working life. For many

people, it is progress that distinguishes a career from

employment that is "just a job." The authors note that "a

wealth of research - at least 200 studies - proves that

challenging employees to meet goals motivates higher

performance. When employees feel they are learning and

growing, they work harder and more efficiently."

An Element Unto Itself: The Problem of Pay

Asked why they do not include a compensation question

when assessing employee engagement, Gallup responded that

"answers to a pay question are so bundled up in

psychological complexities that asking it usually causes

more problems than it solves." For the purposes of this

book summary, I will merely include the summary

statements that the authors discuss regarding pay:

    Higher pay does not guarantee greater engagement.
    Good and bad employees are equally likely to think

they deserve a raise.
    Some incentives can backfire, decreasing employee

    Money without meaning is not enough compensation.
    Pay is more about status than about paying the bills.
    Pay comparisons among employees spark intense

    In most countries and companies, people consider

their pay a private matter.
    While individual pay usually should not be public,

compensation criteria should be.
    Compensation works in concert with each of the 12

    Most employees who feel generously compensated repay

the gesture.

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