Saying 'Yes!' to standing in your power is an affirmation and celebration of life. So, let's explore how to use 'Yes' in ways that both ground you and expand your potential.
Time Management and Time Boundaries
Time management often focuses exclusively on saying 'No.'
It's a powerful word that establishes and maintains all-important boundaries. And, indeed, as you protect your time against unhelpful distractions and unnecessary or unreasonable demands, you free it up to welcome special opportunities.
So what you choose to do with that freed up time is that you're saying 'Yes' to. And this is every bit as important as saying 'No' when it comes to time management. In fact, sometimes it's more challenging than saying 'No' because what you say 'Yes' to is so powerfully defining. Your 'Yes' defines your path. And before you get to that 'Yes' there's that question that Mary Oliver asks in her poem, "The Summer Day":
"... Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?"
Avenues of Opportunity
Your best preparation, as you think about what you want to say 'Yes' to, is cultivating a friendly inner dialog. Every caring question and searching response you provide helps you zero in on what matters the most. And the more your priorities exist in harmony, the easier it gets to be decisive and to open new doors with 'Yes!'
Getting Clear
You might ask yourself these foundational questions to start clarifying your preferences and priorities:
1. What gives meaning to your life? List areas that you are drawn to.
2. What activities relax you?
3. Which ones energize you?
4. How much of your time do you want to commit to working toward life goals?
5. Do you prefer relating to one person at a time, or do you enjoy groups? Make note of situations that you seek out or avoid.
Write down your answers and sit with them for a bit, letting your thoughts and feelings percolate. Does anything in particular strike you? Write that down, too.
Next, sort your answers into clusters and take note of any shared themes.
* Which activities align most naturally with your current priorities?
* What current pastimes would you like to say 'No' to?
* Which new possibilities might you like to say 'Yes' to?
Examining these groups of activities and priorities is very revealing! For example, you might find that some habitual ways that you spend time conflict with goals you value.
Let Go and Flow...
As you simplify your life by letting go of what no longer fits, you experience a new level of flow. That's because your time choices work together, supporting one another.
This extends beyond you, too. As your time choices harmonize, you send a clear and powerful message to those around you. You may be surprised by how you are supported on many levels as you live your 'Yes.'
And to fully mobilize yourself, sign up for our free gift, the Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!
Offered by Paula Eder, PhD, The Time Finder Expert.
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