It's well known that one can make quite true conclusion
about a person, looking at his pet. But few of us know
that well-marked antipathy for some or other kind of
domestic animals also means a lot. We offer your
attention a short manual on psychology of admirers and
opponents of different kinds of domestic animals.
Who and why likes
Cat is a symbol of feminity and independence. A woman
always imagines herself as such a mysterious, graceful,
languorous, downy and slightly predatory cat. A cat is an
alter ego of an owner, so if one dislikes a cat, he also
dislikes her owner herself. Ladies, who combine
advantages of both sexes harmoniously, usually get cats.
Such women are beautiful and intelligent, feminine and
efficient, sweet and persistent in gaining her goal.
Spinster replaces her non-existent baby by a cat. Cat
also needs care and tenderness, she's playful and
naughty, like a child. A lonely woman with a cat treats
men distrustfully, and enters into intimate relationships
Children like cats, because cats resemble a mother's
image, stamped in our genetic memory, warm, soft and
purrs blandly. A man that likes cats accepts a woman's
right to be independent. As for bachelor, who got a cat,
he is all-sufficient and will hardly ever marry, as he
already has a "girl-friend".
Who doesn't like
Hatred against cats means antipathy to the whole female
sex. There's even such term "cat-phobia". "Cool" big men,
who battle desperately with their hidden homosexual
tendencies, suffer from it. He should love women, but
they don't rouse him, so he lives with some lady
immoderately and chokes with horror while seeing her
little cat, it reminds him of the fact that he's not a
man enough. As soon as he passes through appropriate
psychotherapeutic treatment and realizes his real fears,
his fear of cats disappears. And then he begins to suffer
from his homosexuality, but this is quite another story
already. If a woman hates cats, this means she denies her
female essence and is afraid to show her independence.
Who and why likes
For woman, her dog is almost always a symbol of a man.
Even if a dog is of female sex. Looking at a dog's breed,
you can always tell which male advantages an owner values
most of all. A large sheep dog says that an owner needs a
defender and reliable support. A woman, who bought a
French bulldog, values devotion, trustworthiness,
constancy and sense of humor in her partner. A lady with
Doberman has strong will-power and challenges men: "Who
of you can protect me better, than he does?" A lady with
a biting, cowardly and malicious, like a demon, creature
in her hands makes great demands of men, searching for
unreal advantages in them, and thus, she's seldom happy
in marriage.
A man always identifies himself with his dog. That's why
a peaceful accountant, walking with a bull terrier, is
always aggressive in his soul. A man, who likes long-
haired collie, is sentimental, vulnerable, but being in a
critical situation, he's courageous and ready to protect
his flock to the uttermost (by the way, the latest phrase
concerns all sheep dogs-fanciers too). The one, who
bought a rottweiler, has a sharp character, prefers
loneliness and tames difficultly. Almost all dog-
fanciers, regardless of their sex, are intolerant to
other people's independence and strive to control life
and actions of close people.
A child searches for a friend and defender in a dog. An
obstinate striving of a child to have a puppy says about
his inner loneliness or fear of life and only sometimes
about his wish to get a merry companion for games. It
won't be enough just to buy him a puppy, you should also
present your baby communication, protection or
Who doesn't like
Not malicious and cruel people hate dogs, as people
sometimes consider. The one, who doesn't bear dogs,
either is too timid and afraid of these biting and loudly
barking predators, or prefers to search for love and
friendship in the world of people and doesn't understand
why he should get a little wolf to himself. Many people
sicken the necessity to break other living creature, to
become a leader of a troop, don't want to turn to be a
slave of a domestic animal, as some owners readily do, so
they refuse to get a dog at home flatly.
Hamster and guinea-pig
Who and why likes
Those, who love all small and fluffy, need a strong man's
protection, tenderness, care and feel small and helpless.
That's why children ask for hamsters so often, they want
to be big, strong and careful for little animals.
Who doesn't like
If a person cannot stand other people's stupidity, he'll
hardly ever be touched while seeing a hamster or guinea-
Who and why likes
A domestic rat is intelligent, white and fluffy. Loving a
rat is the same as declaring to the whole world: "I'm not
a bore, I have original thought, and your stereotypes
have no power over me!". The one, who likes rats, will
learn everything firstly, touch and check, and only then
make his conclusion, and he doesn't care for other
people's opinion. If a child brought a rat at home, this
means he has rather sociable, curious and kind-hearted
Who doesn't like
Conservative, cautious people, keeping to beaten tracks
in life, and also shy, diffident people cannot stand
white rats.
Who and why likes
Melancholic, vulnerable and very naпve persons, boring in
silence and loneliness, buy noisy and theoretically
long-living parrot. They don't even suspect of lots of
troubles, which these delicate little birds, aiming
constantly at dying of pneumonia, can give to their
owner. Parrot reminds romantics of tropical islands,
pirates and compensates for a deficiency in traveling in
everyday life.
Pensioners' epidemic infatuation for parrots is a forced
event and doesn't have any psychological hidden motive:
many old people would like to get a dog, but they don't
have enough forces to walk with it.
Who doesn't like
Irritable, quick-tempered or burdened with some serious
stressed work people. Such man cannot value the whole
humor of the situation, when a small bird swoops on his
head and gets tangled in his hair. Sybarites, who value
peace and harmony, have no special liking of stridently
chirping parrots.
Who and why likes
Hedgehog is spiny, but has a soft and delicate belly.
Hedgehog-owners are harsh in appearance, and vulnerable
in soul. They think they should be harsh among people,
respond with a proactive blow to any semblance of attack,
and later they suffer that they offended innocent people.
They are not able to betray, they are often
straightforward. Women often choose hedgehogs, life makes
them to be cutting, and in a hedgehog such woman likes
herself, so vulnerable under thorns. And some are
delighted with a hedgehog's ability to roll itself into a
thorny ball and wait through troubles. And such person,
regardless of his age and sex, needs a defender.
Who doesn't like
The one, who slipped his foot in a slipper in the morning
and understood, where this night animal decided to fall
Who and why likes
Two categories of people prefer silent fishes. The first
one includes active, emotional, spirited people; they
calm down looking at slow motions of some fish. For them,
aquarium with fishes is just a detail of interior, like a
TV-set. The second one includes original and somewhat
eccentric thinkers. These people like cold-blooded fishes
for their dissimilitude on people and, contemplating
underwater world, escape from reality. They are quite
aggressive and watch calmly how such beautiful creatures
devour each other or eat their own spawn.
Who doesn't like
Individual extremely sensitive people, who cannot stand
aggression in any form.
Who and why likes
An embodiment of reliability and complete peace, not in
vain, according to Chinese mythology, the Earth is
resting on a gigantic tortoise's shell. Connoisseurs of
comfort and stability, with delicate soul organization,
buy tortoise. A tortoise will never replace neither
husband, nor friend. If a tortoise lives in a house of a
lonely woman or man, this means they are striving for
love, open to proposals and ready for long and stable
Who doesn't like
A slow-moving tortoise irritates impetuous, sociable,
talkative people, needing listeners and concentrated on
their own problems.
Well, if you have no one, and don't want to?!
If you, so adult and independent, have no home pets and
you're absolutely indifferent to them, then this may mean
the following:
1. You've got someone to take care and be in command of.
You have enough close people, ready to support and
protect you, all reserves of your feelings are busy, and
you have no necessity to pour out on something fluffy or
2. You don't get tired of communication with people, get
into contact with them easily and in situations when
someone buys a lap-dog or parrot, you find a new friend
or call your daughter.
3. You don't want to take responsibility for another
living creature at all. You should cope with your own
life first somehow.
4. You don't want to depend on somebody.
5. You understand instinctively: only a man can give you
things, which you need, and your whole essence is
indignant with a possibility to replace a son by a
kitten, a husband by a dog, a soul comfort by an aquarium
with fishes.
6. You don't like animals and they are absolutely
uninteresting for you. And you shouldn't be ashamed of
this fact: a myth saying that only malicious egoists
don't like animals has no real reasons. Quite opposite,
sometimes contempt and hatred to mankind are hidden
behind an exaggerated passion for animals. Bridget Bardo
is a typical example. She's devoid of maternal instinct,
cannot stand her own adult son, stick to profascist views
and at the same time urges us not to wear fur coats.
As a rule, we choose home pets for ourselves, following 3
motives subconsciously.
"This animal is a spitting image of myself!"
"Ah, how I wish to behave like this!" Allow myself all
these escapades and no one will punish me!
"God, I miss a creature with all advantages of this
fascinating being near myself so much!"
Who's an owner of our common pet?
Even in the biggest family an idea of buying a dog or rat
occurs to some one person, and all others agree with
another person's idea gladly or reluctantly. The one, who
offered, is an owner of a pet, and these are his features
of character, that are reflected in a choice of an
Yana Mikheeva is the creator of the WomansPassions site
for women and about women at , it is an on-line resource
for women and about women. Here you can find articles on
various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health,
cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food,
psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting,
fashion and many others. She also has a blog for women at
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