Monday, 14 March 2016

4 Parameters to Choose the Best Fish Oil Capsule

With so many fish oil capsules available in the market and each of them shouting on top of their voice that they are best, choosing the real best is a big dilemma. In this article I will share few parameters that will empower you to take the right decision.

Best fish oil supplements are fresh; they do not contain any artificial or unnatural fragrance, instead they smell like ocean water only. Many a times, if the fishes are not handled properly before oil could be extracted from them, they start oxidizing. Oil extracted from such fishes is rancid. To hide their mistakes, manufactures add artificial colors and odors.

You can cut open a fish oil capsule and put it to smell test, any rancid or unnatural odor means low quality product. Steer clear of such products.

With the increasing pollution in ocean waters, fishes caught from them are also full of contaminations like mercury, lead, PCBs, etc. Thus it becomes very important to look out for products with low toxicity. Molecular distillation is the only refining process known till date that filters out all the unwanted chemicals and toxins from the oil, leaving beside a high quality and pharmaceutical grade end product that is good for your consumption.

COA(Certificate of Analysis) published by the manufacturer will give the exact picture of levels of toxins it contains. Higher the toxins, lower is the quality of the oil.

DHA content:
Until recently it was believed that fish oil with more percentage of EPA fats is good. This is not factual any more. Studies have proved that body can convert DHA to EPA if required. However, reverse of this is not true; this means effective oil has high DHA to EPA ratio. Ideally it should be 2:1. 1000 mg of fish oil capsule should contain at least 280 mg of DHA.

Effective one is made from fishes that are naturally high in DHA. One such fish is Hoki, it is less known but has very high DHA levels. It is found in pristine waters of New Zealand.

Cost Effectiveness:
Remember "All that glitter is not gold". On same lines effective fish gels may not be expensive. I have seen many high-priced gels with very low on quality. Normally a bottle (good for one full month) of soft gels with decent quality is available from $15 to $20.

Now that you know how to lay your hands on the best fish oil capsule, your next step? Put this information to test right away. Trust me selecting the best will be a piece of cake for you.

To learn more on best and effective fish oil capsule that I and my family take regularly to counter the effects of omega 3 deficiency, visit my website Omega 3 Brief today. Chuck Blake is an active researcher and consumer of fish oil products.Visit his website today to learn more about the powerful benefits of omega-3 fish oil.

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