Monday, 14 March 2016

First Dates and First Impressions

Don't make your first impression the wrong impression, after all, a first impression can last a lifetime! Preparing for that all important first date can be quite nerve wracking, even for the most mature of individuals, or the most experienced. But just because you've had 50 first dates it doesn't mean the 51st will be your best so far...or you won't be nervous at all. I think the key is to decide that you are going to have a good time no matter what happens. This can help alleviate some of the pressure off your self. If you decide you are going to have a good time before hand, then you probably will.

Here are a few more tips that I think can help make your first date experience a better one for both of you.

o First of all, make sure the date will be something you will enjoy. If your date suggests going sailing, (a bit elaborate I know, but its just an example), but you can't swim or you suffer from seasickness, don't be afraid suggest an alternative. Your date will be more impressed if you both have a good time, they won't be so impressed if you spend the whole time with your head dangling in the water! Get to know the kind of things your date likes first. You could suggest that the two of you check out the latest art exhibition or that new scary movie that was just released. Try to choose something that is fun and exciting for both of you. This will definitely take the pressure off you to entertain or amuse your partner with conversation.

o This is not the time to suggest a highly unusual excursion, such as bungee jumping or to try an unfamiliar food. You don't want to have to abandon your date because you didn't realise sushi was RAW fish! Lol

o Some dating experts have suggested that women should not dress too sexy on a first date. Try to avoid exposing too much cleavage or fishnet stockings, unless of course you are sure you want to have sex at the end of the night.

o Men should try to avoid looking too casual in that "I shop at Primark" way. Sweats or T-shirts and jeans can be a turn off. Dress casually, but smart but also be you...even though that sounds more complicated than it is.

o During the date men should also try to mind their manners and make sure that they arrive on time to pick up their date... An obvious point, I know...but you'd be surprised...

o Equally, women should not keep men waiting while they are getting ready. Sometimes it helps to have a drink before you leave the woman's house (only if offered though...don't just help yourself hehe) it may help to break the ice a little, and take the edge off. It is important to patient too, just remember, your date is probably as nervous as you are, maybe you could use it as a conversation starter if your date seems awkward.

o Ladies, you shouldn't scorn or reject the man's attempts to open doors for you and pull out your chair. He is trying to be sweet, not set back feminism twenty years! Lol

o A gentleman would bring flowers, or a gift for his lady, its kind of an advanced thank you for the date. I know it is a cliche but you can't go wrong giving a woman a bouquet of roses, tulips or sunflowers.

o But most importantly of all don't forget to have fun! There's nothing worse than a dull, boring date. If you have fun, and maybe even laugh at yourself when appropriate, you're almost guaranteed that ultimately important call for a second date !!! :)

Katie is the administrator of [] ....the first 200 members will recieve free Gold membership upgrades :)

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